Friday 28 December 2012

Project: BBC Introducing In The West - Launch Trailer

I have spent the last year or so doing a variety of film work as well as Broadcast Assistant work for BBC Introducing in Bristol. But now with changes to BBC Radio across the board, the 'Introducing' shows will become regional i.e. Wiltshire, Bristol, Gloucestershire and Somerset have been joined together to make BBC Introducing In The West.

So along with the opportunity to cover an even further reach of music around the whole of the west, the show has been given a new primetime slot of 8pm on a saturday night. To mark the launch of this new show and time slot I was asked to create a short trailer to be put up online to inform listeners of this new information (you can see it below). The concept of the trailer is a montage of clips of all of the work that BBC Introducing in Bristol has done over the past and includes snippets from live sessions, recording in the studio and off site features such as our stage and backstage area at Brisfest.